4 Winter Maintenance Tips for Your Vehicle

January 15, 2018

After dealing with cold temperatures, wind, snow, and ice, many of us have experienced enough winter for one season.  But, there's still plenty of time for more winter weather.  Follow these 4 maintenance tips to ensure your vehicle runs safely and smoothly during the remaining winter months:


  1. Check your battery
    • According to Consumer Reports, cold temperatures reduce a battery's cranking power.  At 0 degrees F a battery has only half the cranking power that it has at 80 degrees F.
    • Have your battery tested by a professional, and replace it if needed.
  2. Check your fluids.
    • Have your oil changed regularly, and be sure to use the manufacturer’s recommended oil.  Consumer Reports notes that many typical formulas recommended for modern engines will provide good oil flow at low temperatures and can often be used year-round.
    • Make sure your coolant level is full and the antifreeze is fresh.  Antifreeze keeps your coolant from freezing in cold temperatures. 
    • Check your washer fluid.  Be sure to fill up with a winter washer fluid that won't freeze.
  3. Check your wiper blades.
    • Cold weather is tough on wiper blades; they are often put to the test when clearing snow and ice in freezing temperatures.  Consumer Reports recommends replacing the wiper blades every six months to be safe.
  4. Check your tires.
    • Check that your tires are up to the task of driving in winter weather.  You may even opt for snow tires, which are designed for winter driving.
    • Also ensure that your tires are properly inflated.  Drops in temperature can result in decreased tire pressure.




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