b'Our Annual Partnership Council event took place this October atthe elegant Hotel Carmichael,located in the charming town ofCarmel, Indiana. We spent several days together with ouresteemed Partner-level agents and invited guests, starting with morning business sessions thatprovided important updates from various Goodville departments, including industry insightsfrom our President/CEO, Dave Gautsche and guest speakers, Tom Torcia, Chief Analytics Officerat Mutual Capital Analytics and Neil Alldredge, President/CEO of National Association of MutualInsurance Companies. Our afternoons provided group opportunities to explore the Indianapolis Zoo, stroll along thepicturesqueIndianapolisCanal,biketheMononTrailorenjoyaroundofgolfatthescenicPrairie View Golf Club. Monday evening, we celebrated together at a delightful group dinner atthe Skyline Club, which offers stunning views of downtown Indianapolis. The event culminatedin a spectacular GALA Awards Dinner in Feinsteins at Hotel Carmichael, where we celebratedthe Partner agents that truly shined in the past year!'