b'We Keep Our Promises Working to Earn Your Trust EverydayTo be an uncommonly different insurance Our mission is to provide comprehensive company, known for serving our employees, property and casualty insurance productsmembers, agents, and community with of the highest quality and to conductfairness and compassion. our business by biblical principals oflove, justice and integrity.Provide an Exceptional Experience Align Products and Services with We knowour members: We act withfairness,integrity,and Member Expectationscompassiontoprovidecomprehensiveservicetoagents, Weexisttoserveourmembers:Weidentifyanddevelopmembers, and our community. We anticipate member needs competitiveproductsthatsatisfymemberscurrentandandsustainapositivemember-centricenvironmentthat prospective needs. We create a comprehensive advantage bysupports a fair and timely resolution of all transactions. We successfullyleveragingdate,managementinformation,andleverage agent and member feedback to enhance operations. technology to drive innovative business decisions.We make service a market differentiator.Attract, Retain, and Develop Exemplary Talent Create and Sustain a Dynamic WorkplaceWevalueandcareaboutouremployees:Wedevelopdeep We value and invest in our workplace culture: We maximizetechnicalexpertise,nurturepositiveinteractions,alignskills ourorganizationseffectivenessbyleveragingtheuniquewith responsibilities, while empowering leaders who support talents of each team member. We create an atmosphere forstrategies that ensure right people - right roles - right time. constructive problem solving and encourage appropriate riskWe invest in our employees to create satisfying careers within taking. We respectfully hold each other accountable.the company.Exhibit Operational ExcellenceAttract, Retain, and Develop Exemplary Talent We prioritize operational effectiveness: We maintain a forward-We are fiscally responsible: We create consistent stakeholder looking,continiousimprovementmindsetdrivingconsistentvalue and maintain capital at or above target levels required to andefficientworkflowsandprocessesacrossalllines,sustain appropriate ratings. We invest wisely in the business to functions, and operations. We look for ways to test change,ensure adequate return on surplus while optimizing product vary methodologies, and otherwise learn and adapt to ensuremix,coverages,andsuperiorcustomerservicelevelsthat all activities align with the current and prospective needs ofsupport the attraction and retention of profitable business. our members, agents, and business partners.Technology Supports Our MissionWevalueandadaptwithtechnology:Weutilizetechnologyacrossalllinestostreamlineworkflowsandbusinessprocesses, while enabling effective interactions with membersand agents. We capture critical business information needed toenable effective data driven business decisions.'